Mike Fulbright’s Group

Share a meal together, then study and discuss various books that the group chooses.

Dinner, Study, & Fellowship Group

Bring-and-share dinner, Bible or spiritual book study and prayer, and social time. Mixed group—all welcome.

Open Mic Night

Music, poetry, discussion, hot drinks, and snacks. Open to those who wish to perform, as well as those who wish to appreciate the art. Just show up and join in, no need to RSVP—usually 12–15 attend.

Mike Fulbright’s Group

Share a meal together, then study and discuss various books that the group chooses.

Dinner & Study Group

Potluck dinner, conversation, and a Bible study. Open group—usually 6–10 attend.

Open Mic Night

Music, poetry, discussion, hot drinks, and snacks. Open to those who wish to perform, as well as those who wish to appreciate the art. Just show up and join in, no need to RSVP—usually 12–15 attend.